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Más obras Literarias de Daniel Galatro

Bob Dean in Project Camelot

We have met many remarkable people in the course of our work for Project Camelot, but meeting Bob Dean was one of our greatest privileges. As an elder statesman he is charming, eloquent and dashing, and we are proud to present this as what may be one of our most memorable interviews.
In Part One, Bob shares with us his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon and what he encountered while working at SHAPE in Europe in the 1960s: an inch and a half thick detailed official report on the extraterrestrial 'problem' called at that time simply "The Assessment". Having the clearance to have free access to the document, he read it and re-read it many times, and he tells us how that changed his life. Later, after retiring from the military, he made the courageous decision to defy his Oath of Secrecy and began to speak publicly about what he had learned.
In Part Two of the interview, Bob tells us that this is probably his last interview... and having done so, he pauses, takes a deep breath, and reveals on record for the first time that he has been contacted, and has been on board the craft.Do not miss this... and we invite you to join us in applauding the courage, integrity, dignity and commitment to truth of this very special man. We would like to think that this interview is an appropriate and fitting tribute to everything that he has stood for and wishes for the world.
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Bill Holden in Project Camelot

As a young man, Bill Holden served as a steward on board Air Force One, from which he tells a beautiful little story of a short but revealing conversation he had with JFK about UFOs. But that was just the beginning of his experiences. In the years which followed, he was asked to participate several times in small select military groups to encounter alien beings and craft demonstrations in what he believes was a least partly a sort of experiment to assess reactions - a procedure that others have also reported elsewhere. Whatever the reasons, he soon realized that relations between aliens and the US government were both ongoing and extensive.Later, after retiring from the military, he refers to himself as the real world Richard Dreyfuss character from 'Close Encounters' experiencing without fear a number of intriguing close encounters with aliens and UFOs as a civilian. The non-disclosure agreement he was required to sign expired several years ago, and Bill has now told his story to fascinated audiences at a number of conferences. His own personal contacts within the intelligence community have given him access to some of the most closely protected secrets, such as the reasons behind the assassination of the man he still reveres enormously more than forty years after he first flew with him.Articulate, engaging, personable and persuasive, Bill recounts some extraordinary experiences on camera; and at the end of the interview, to our great interest, he revealed to us a life-sized model of an alien head which he explained was exceptionally accurate on a number of counts. The day after our interview we replayed the footage to fellow-witness Jim Sparks, who agreed with Bill that from his own experiences as a multiple abductee the model was extremely lifelike. Full details of this are discussed on both interviews.

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Jim Sparks in Project Camelot

Jim Sparks has become well-known as one of the few multiple abductees who has, in his own words, 95% recall of all his experiences. Having been abducted many hundreds of times, at first he rebelled and totally refused to co-operate with the aliens who would repeatedly take him to their craft at night. He attributes his very complete memories of his experiences to his rage, and outrage, about the continued violations.As the years passed, and Jim and his captors battled with one another, Jim gradually seemed to become trusted by the aliens - who he calls The Keepers - to assist them in increasingly significant ways. In turn, Jim feels he understands better now what their agenda and modus operandi might be. The story he tells on camera is spellbinding... and culminates in a message which we might ignore at our peril: that the Earth is in danger, and that while there may be a new dawn ahead of the human race, there might be some difficult times ahead before we get there.

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